I love strong emotions and extreme adventures, but walking on the longest Tibetan Bridge in the world was actually an amazing experience beyond my initial expectations!
Practical info

Despite being only 2h drive from the place where I live in Italy, I had never been there before. The Bridge is located in Cesana-Clavière, less than 100km from Turin. You don't need to bring any special equipment with you, because it's provided once on spot. The ticket is 15euro and it gives the possibility of choosing between a via ferrata (iron way) or a trail on your way back to the boxe office. Tickets can be bought directly once arrived.
The via ferrata has a medium difficulty, but if you feel confident and you've never done this kind of activity before, you can do it without any problems (for my friends and I it was the first time along a via ferrata).
I would suggest to wear comfortable shoes and to buy in advance food and beverages for a nice picnic once the activity is finished. There are several wooden tables around the boxe office.
The Tibetan Bridge
I've done a Tibetan Bridge when I was probably 13 and I was super excited to do this experience again on a much longer distance! After wearing the professional equipment and learning about the technique and the specific warnings from an expert, we were ready to start this adventure!
The thrill once you start walking on the bridge is impossibile to explain: you feel like you're suspended between the sky and the earth, your steps are cautious at the beginning and became more relaxed and confident little by little. This bridge is not only the longest in the world with 544m and 30m high, but it's also spectacular for the surrounding landscape. In fact, it runs trough the San Gervasio gorges and just under your feet a rivulet flows powerfully.
The presence of two carabiners all along the bridge is what makes you feel completely safe and allows you to admire the incredibile view around you. Every now and then, you have to attach and detach the carabiners one at a time to continue the path. It's beautiful to see the colourful Prayer Flags just before the end of the bridge!
The Via Ferrata
As I told you at the beginning, there are two possibilities once you finish the bridge: the via ferrata or the trail. We chose the via ferrata to try this thrilling experience new to all of us, we literally said ''We're here and we have to do it!'', so even the most frightened of the group managed to complete the via ferrata and ended up being super happy, satisfied and proud of the proved braveness!
The via ferrata was absolutely one of the best sensations I've ever had in my life! You literally put your feet on tiny metal bars while basically climbing the rock wall. Again, the carabiners secured our adventure! Looking down under me was an incredibile thrill inside me that made me feel powerful in that moment and in connection with nature.
Fun fact: the origin of this activity dates back to the XIX century and it's often associated with the First World War, when several via ferratas were built in the Dolomites to support the movement of troops. In fact, there are currently over 1000 via ferratas in the European Alps, especially in Italy and Austria.
After passing through a bunker dating back to the war times and another small part of Tibetan Brigde, we were back at the boxe office. After an extreme dose of adrenaline, walking on the street felt a bit weird!
We were ready for our picnic that felt like friendship, adventure and laughs despite an unexpected storm. What an amazing day!
